Monday, October 12, 2009

Is it just me?

Have you ever just sat there and thought how ridiculous and dramatic you sometimes are? You know, like when your sorta saying how annoying OTHER people are and then you realize "Oh my gosh, that sounds just like me". Has that ever happened to you? Ever? It has definitely happened to me. It makes you feel hypocritical. And guilty. And many more mixed emotions that make you want to snuggle up under you favorite blanket and sleep...


  1. OMG hi! LOL I love this blog, and you write so well, you need to write more x3. Have fun working with your blog and if you need any help just IM meeee! I LOVE YOUUU and the blog <3

  2. HOLY CRAP CECE. I just saw that sidebar thing. YOU ARE LIKE SO POETIC. XD
